January 30, 2025 - Visit a RV-14 Project

Today on a cool -- low 40s -- but otherwise excellent flying day -- great vis, smooth air -- I was heading to the Flying W Airport in New Jersey to visit an old Citabria friend, Mark, and see his RV-14 project at South Jersey Airport.  Why did I not fly directly into South Jersey?  The runway was closed for the day for some reason.  But Flying W is very close to South Jersey so Mark would pick me up and drive me over to his hangar at South Jersey.

Here I'm about to reach the Eastern Shore.  Most of the ice on the Chesapeake Bay has melted.

Cruising past the Sassafras River.  I enjoyed an excellent tailwind.
Passing by the nuclear power plant in New Jersey.  Wilmington is in the background.
A small tanker heads up the Delaware Bay.
Passing by the City of Brotherly Love.
Flying W Airport.

Mark met me at Flying W and a few minutes later we were at South Jersey airport.  We had lunch in the on-field restaurant which I haven't been to in years but is still good.

This is Mark's hangar which houses his Citabria and where he is building an RV-14.

I like that cowl cover ont he Citabria!

Mark was able to get the Wing kit before the Empennage kit, for some reason, so he started on the wings.  He's made good progress on the right wing, pictured here.  Notice the wood base he built for it, which is on castering wheels.  In fact, all his workbenches and platforms are on wheels so he can move them around as required.  Very clever.
The right fuel tank.  Notice the fuel leak tester Mark built at right.
The primary workbench.  I was in awe of how organized, shipshape and clean Mark's hangar was.  I cannot say the same for mine.
I enjoyed seeing Mark and his project.  He's making good progress.  His workmanship is first-rate; his RV-14 will be well-built.

And then I was heading for home, fighting a headwind.  I had a little fun flying on the way back, cruising the Sassafras river, and then down the Eastern shore which is always fun.

The Sassafras River still has a lot of ice on it.

Spotted ice.
In the summer, this beach always has a lot of boats nearby and a party going on.  Not so today.
Another deserted party beach.
Crazy patterns in the ice.
Heading down the Eastern Shore.
Icebergs on the bay!